1990 born in the sunny barcelona.
1992 learning how to be human.
2006 finished school while having a rock band.
2008 after high school i started audiovisual engineering.
2009 didn't like audiovisual stuff, changing to ict engineering, that's my thing.
2012 co-found my first company, dribba, a small software agency focused on mobile tech.
2013 living in germany for a while 🍻.
2015 graduating from college and co-founding kiasu, a smart clothing startup.
2016 travelled to 🇹🇭, keep learning at work, found hapiness.
2017 failed in business, keep working hard.📉
2018 dribba is growing, opening a new mobile agency in Zürich🇨🇭.
my interests: full-stack engineering, mobile tech market, e-learning, product design, mobile interfaces and UX, entrepreneurship and sustainable economy.